The Second Sunday of Lent - February 28, 2021

Every time we have less time to listen. We do not know how to calmly and without prejudice, approach the heart of others. We fail to hear the message that every human being can communicate to us. Locked in our own problems, we pass people, hardly stopping to really listen to anyone. We are forgetting the art of listening.

Therefore, it is not strange that Christians have largely forgotten that to be a believer is to live listening to Jesus. Only from this listening is the true Christian faith born.

According to the Evangelist Mark, when on the "mountain of transfiguration" the disciples are frightened by feeling wrapped by the shadows of a cloud, they only hear these words: "This is my beloved Son: listen to him."

The experience of listening to Jesus deeply can be painful, but exciting. It is not what we had imagined from our pious schemes and topics. Its mystery escapes us. Almost without realizing it, it is tearing us from securities that are very dear to us, to attract us to a more authentic life.

We finally meet someone who tells the ultimate truth. Someone who knows why to live and why to die. Something tells us from within that he is right. In his life and in his message there is truth.

If we persevere patiently and with active listening, our life begins to shine with a new light. We begin to see everything more clearly. Discovering the most human way to face the problems of life and the mystery of death. We realize the great mistakes that humans can make, and the great infidelities of Christians.

Perhaps we need to take more care in our Christian communities to listen to Jesus faithfully. Listening to him can heal us of secular blindness, it can free us from inevitable discouragement and cowardice, it can reinvigorate our faith.

Fr. Andres Arango


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