This Weekend's Liturgical Music

October 27, 2024  |  The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time  |  5:00 pm Vigil, 8:00 and 10:00 am Sunday Masses

Prelude / Centering Song

O Word of God (Manalo)

Gathering Song / Entrance Antiphon

Let the Hearts that Seek the Lord Rejoice (From "Let Us All Rejoice" collection)

Penitential Act


Glory to God 

Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (Alonso)

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Things (Alonso or Schockman)

Gospel Acclamation

Processional Alleluia (Hughes)

Preparation of the Gifts | Offertory

O God, Beyond All Praising (Tune: THAXTED)

Eucharistic Prayer Acclamations

Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (Alonso)

Lamb of God

Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (Alonso)

Communion Antiphon and Song

You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (Gift of Finest Wheat)

I Want to See (Sexton)

Sending Forth

Go Your Way, Your Faith Has Saved You (Schockman)


Mass Setting - "Mass of Charity and Love" adap. Steven Warner

Click on the links below to listen

Holy (Sanctus)

Mystery of Faith 

Great Amen


Mass Setting - "Song of the Spirit Mass" by Tony Alonso

Click on the links below to listen

Holy (Sanctus)

Mystery of Faith (When we eat...)

Great Amen

Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)


Mass Setting - "Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations" by Tony Alonso

Click on the links below to listen.

Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia)

Mystery of Faith (When We Eat this Bread)

Lamb of God


Mass Setting - "Mass of Mercy" by Lori True

Click on the links below to listen.

Gospel Acclamation 

Holy (Sanctus)

Mystery of Faith (We Proclaim Your Death)

Great Amen

Lamb of God (Daigle) 

Mass of Mercy - Unison Sheet


Mass Setting - "Mass of Christ the Savior" by Dan Schutte

Click on the links below to listen.

Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia)

Holy (Sanctus)

Mystery of Faith (Save Us, Savior of the World)

Great Amen

Lamb of God

Mass of Christ the Savior - Unison Sheet


Music for the Sacred Paschal Triduum

Holy Thursday: O Love of God Gather Us (Bob Hurd)

Holy Thursday: We Should Glory in the Cross (Ken Macek/Paul Tate)

Holy Thursday: Psalm 116-Our Blessing Cup (Tony Alonso)

Holy Thursday: Ubi Cartias (Tony Alonso)

Holy Thursday: Bread of Life from Heaven (Haugen)

Good Friday: We Adore Your Cross (Bob Hurd)

Good Friday: Unless a Grain of Wheat (Haugen)

Good Friday: Into Your Hands, Father (Taize)